Our work in the South University Neighborhood will soon benefit from information gathered by student surveyors. SJSU Urban Planning students will launch from St. Paul's onto the streets of downtown to go door-to-door and receive information from residents. They hope to hear of both assets and needs in the area as well as get an overall impression of how the people who live here feel about their neighborhood. St. Paul's will then be part of implementing responses alongside our neighbors to make this a great place for all to live.
We entered this work through our many years of lay members providing faith community representation on the neighborhood Council. Then we stepped into a need to provide events and community in our local park. This brought us into relationship with CommUniverCity and many SJSU students and faculty who want to bring education from the classroom into practice. We hope all of our neighbors will receive the students warmly and will participate in this opportunity that may provide needed information as we move forward. Comments are closed.
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