Welcome to worship at home with St. Paul's UMC -2020
December 27 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen will be sharing a message from Luke 2:22-40 "Light and Glory" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. December 24 online worship at 7 p.m.
Pastor Helen will be sharing a message from Luke 2:1-20 "Good News of Great Joy" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. December 20 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen will be sharing a message from Luke 1:26-38 "According to Your Word" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. December 13 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen will be sharing a message from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Psalm 126 "Rejoice Always" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. December 6 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
David Lowe will be sharing a message from Isaiah 6 and Isaiah 40:1-11"Times of Confusion" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. November 29 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing a message on Mark 13:24-37 "Be Alert" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. November 22 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing a message on Matthew 25:31-46 "Sheep & Goats" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. November 15 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing a message on Matthew 25:14-30 "God's Faithful Servant" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. November 8 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing a message "Waiting" on Matthew 25:1-13 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. November 1 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing an All Saints Day message from Matthew 5:1-12 Blessed Are the Saints Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. October 25 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kungl will be sharing the message from Matthew 22:34-46 "LOVE" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. October 18 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Sandra Daniel will be sharing the message from Matthew 13:24-30 "God's Love" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. October 11 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing the message on Matthew 22: 1-14 Kingdom of Heaven Banquet Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. October 4 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing the message on Psalm 19 "Communion Around the World" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. September 27online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing the message on Philippians 2:1-13 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. September 20 10:30 a.m.
California-Nevada Annual Conference will take place from 9/17 to 9/20. you are welcome to watch the meeting on a streaming feed through the Conference website as well as attend commissioning and ordaining worship at 10:30 a.m. Find the link here https://www.cnumc.org/ September 13 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing the message on Exodus 14:19-31 "Grant Us Freedom" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. September 6 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen Kung will be sharing the message on Matthews 18:15-20 and Romans 13:8-14 "Conflict & Love" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose)The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. August 30 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
David Lowe is sharing the message on Mark 7:31-37 "The In-Between Times" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. August 23 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthew 16:13-20 "Who Do You Say That I Am" recording of this worship was accidentally cut in half. We are now waiting for the live stream version to complete processing/ to have full sermon to upload. If you would like to view the full sermon version, please check after Sunday at 7 p.m. for a new load. August 16 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthew 15:21-28 "Racial Division and Miracle" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. August 9 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthew 14:22-33 "Walking on Water" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted here two hour after worship each week. August 2 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthew 14:13-21 "Five Loaves and Two Fish" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted on the right an hour after worship. July 26 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 "The Kingdom of Heaven" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted on the right an hour after worship. July 19 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 "Wheat and Weeds" Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted on the right an hour after worship. July 12 online worship at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Helen is preaching on Romans 8:1-11. In the wrestling between our human condition and the grace of our creator, what can St. Paul's letter to the Roman church teach us about our lives today? Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81169317471?pwd=c1BjMHBZcGtmWS9peE93djRjUVF6QT09 Meeting ID: 811 6931 7471 Password: 928944 One tap mobile +16699006833,,81169317471#,,,,0#,,928944# US (San Jose) The recording is posted on the right an hour after worship. July 5
Pastor Helen is preaching on Matthews 11:16-19; 25-30. What does Jesus teach us about this generation? How do we come to Jesus for reassurance and comfort, those of us who are weary and carrying heavy loads? How do we apply the lesson from Jesus in our generation of Pandemic, worldwide economic challenges and social racial injustice? We will also listen and sing with Karen Parker's "For the Healing of the Nation" June 28
Pastor Jennifer is sharing her final sermon with us on Colossians 3:1-17. Reina Goto reads the Scripture passage and our own Friday Night Live Band has recorded Steal My Joy. We hope you dance along as we claim our continuing walk on the road of faith. June 21
Rev. Cindy McCalmont is sharing a message today based on Psalm 86, one of the Psalms of lament. Rev. Cindy connected to St. Paul's through our Companions in Christ spiritual formation group and has preached for our community a few times. This audio file also includes Mel Raven's song "Straight Road to My Father's House" and "Litany of Peace for Father's Day" Copyright 2009 Jane Sommers. June 14
Christiana Cobb-Dozier is back to share her heart and her understanding of the call of God in Exodus for us today. Pastor Jennifer reads from Exodus 3:14-22. Mel Raven's song "If You See Me Walking" calls us all to join in together in this mission. In the photo below: (left to right) Christiana Cobb-Dozier, Pastor Jennifer Goto and Jade Cobb-Dozier. June 7
Michaela Kambeitz reads 1 Corinthians 13 and Pastor Jennifer shares a message reflecting on the potential of words and our tendency to strip them of their power. Karen Parker sings the hymn For the Healing of the Nations. Mel Raven's song "God Smiles" ends the service. For the Healing of the Nations Lyrics to Sing Along May 31
It's Pentecost Sunday, the Birthday of the Church! This is a day celebrated in churches around the world. The Suarez family reads the scripture from Acts 2 and Miles and Michaela sing "I Am the Church" with their mom, Tina Paulson. Pastor Jennifer shares a message on the coming of the Holy Spirit in our lives and we hear music from Mel Raven, "In Times Like These." For our Benediction, you almost get a second message as Bishop Carcaño gives a call to non-violent action in response to the continued violence and racism against African Americans in our nation, most recently the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis. May 24
Rev. Shinya Goto, District Superintendent of the El Camino Real District provides the message this Sunday. You may want to read all of Jesus' farewell discourse in John 17. Verses 1-11 are read here. Marcellus Tabor plays "In the Garden" as a hymn to guide our prayer. May 17
Christiana Cobb-Dozier provides our message for today. It is an encouraging word for this time that we are in. Rev. Jerry and Kathy Fox sing His Eye is on the Sparrow and Pete Richert and Marcellus Tabor play Seek ye First. The scripture reading is John 14:25-31. May 10
Happy Mother's Day! As we remember and celebrate all those who have been a mothering presence in our lives, we remember God's welcome to all at the table. Reina Goto reads Luke 5: 27-32, Pastor Jennifer shares stories of her Grandma's table and Tina Paulson sings "Crowded Table" by The Highwomen. After listening to the audio we will gather over zoom to share Communion on Sunday, May 10 at 11:30 AM. May 3
This Sunday we are reading John 21:1-14 as the disciples receive another opportunity to be with the Risen Christ. Maya McCray sings He Touched Me and Pastor Jennifer offers a message and prayer. April 26
Poetry Sunday! Listen to original poems written by the St. Paul's Community! Teresa Tanasy, Elizabeth Agramont-Justiniano and Brenda Vaca all share poems with us. Pastor Jennifer reads from the poetry of Psalms and Mel Raven's writing is shared through the song "I'll Never Forget About You" April 19
Easter is a Season of 50 days that ends this year on May 31st with Pentecost. Let's spend this season looking for signs of new life that can lead us to do the next right faithful thing. Sing along with Karen Parker, Christ the Lord is Risen Today and hear a message from Pastor Jennifer. Read the full essay written by David Lowe that she quotes from here. Easter Sunday, April 12
Easter is a time to remember that God invites us into new life through the story of the resurrection of Jesus. As Pastor Jennifer shares in her message, nothing can stop the love of God from emptying the tomb. May that bring you joy on this day! In the true St. Paul's spirit, this audio file features the many styles of music at St. Paul's. Marcellus Tabor plays "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" on the St. Paul's organ. Karen Parker sings "What Wondrous Love is This" from her home. Tina Paulson and her husband, Gus Kambeitz, offer Dolly Parton's "Light of a Clear Blue Morning" and we found a short clip of our Friday Night Live Band closing worship with "Steal My Joy." May we be grateful for the gift of music to guide us into worship. April 5
It is Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus entering into the city of Jerusalem as the people called out "Hosanna!" Today our prayer also sounds like "Hosanna" as we cry out for God to deliver us from the current suffering of the world. This audio file shares the reading of Matthew 21:1-11 and a message from Pastor Jennifer. It also includes Mel Raven's "Messenger" and a recording of Amazing Grace shard by John Powell, known to us as "JP" The benediction includes a quote from author and preacher, Barbara Brown Taylor. March 29th
This audio file is our offering to lead you in worship on this last Sunday of March. The song "Straight Road to My Father's House" by Mel Raven includes familiar musicians, Peter Richert on saxophone and Marcellus Tabor on piano. We hope that you will end your time of worship by watching this video of the Ten Two Six Music Group's virtual choir singing "It Is Well With My Soul." Listen to the audio file for March 29 first and then watch the video below. March 22nd
We offer this audio file to guide your time of worship while we are unable to gather together in person. Special thanks to those who have given us permission to use their materials: Maya McCray accompanied by Marcellus Tabor "His Eye is On the Sparrow" Mel Raven, "In Times Like These" New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Matthew 6:24-34 Greeting, Sermon by Pastor Jennifer Goto with a quote from Brian McLaren's "We Make the Road by Walking" The United Methodist Book of Worship, Call to Worship and Benediction March 15th
We hope this audio file allows you to enter into a time of worship while we are unable to gather together in person. Special thanks to those who gave permission to use their materials: Lynn Ungar's poem "Pandemic" Mel Raven's song "If I Walk With Jesus" Maya McCray's recording of "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less" accompanied by Marcellus Tabor Readings and Prayers by Pastor Jennifer Goto |